Logotipo Universidad Surcolombiana Escudo República de Colombia
Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus

BA Political Science

Name of degree:Political Science
Formation level:undergraduate, professional, high education
SNIES code:101598
Since 30th November 2010
Duration:10 semesters
Registration resolution:resolution 1864, 24th February 2012
Time:day and night classes at Neiva campus


BA Political Science has as a mission the humanistic and critical training of political scientists founded in disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge through academic processes, research, and social projection. This will allow the understanding and transformation of the social and political problems of the country and the south Colombian region, looking to contribute to the construction of a more democratic society, inclusive and just that strives towards the achievement of peace and development.


By 2027, the BA in Political Science will consolidate as a reference in integral and critical training of political scientist that through analysis, research and transformation of social and political problems strengthen academic, institutional and social ties in the south Colombian region for the sake of promoting a democratic political culture at a local, regional and national level.


  • Cultivate Law as science, discipline in itself, and as an art:
  • Understand and apply the law as it is written, using knowledge and critical thinking
  • technical application of legal processes
  • Interpreting the law as an unequivocal instrument for the construction of law and order.
  • Form Legal professionals with a comprehensive academic and ethical understanding of the Law. In combination with a broad theoretical and practical knowledge, will allows graduates to analyze and interpret socio-juridical phenomena. They will also be able to detect conflicts and intervene peacefully.
  • Articulate Colombian Law with different areas of knowledge in order to contribute to a participatory and pluralist democracy.
  • Contribute to the identification and intervention of social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental problems from a legal perspective with a broad social sense.
  • Provide students with autonomous learning spaces in order to give depth to different fields of knowledge, consequently allowing them to be trained as not only legal professionals but also allowing them to remain a well-rounded and informed citizen, with constitutional rights and duties.


  • Train political scientists skilled in the design and implementation of research processes with an interdisciplinary nature that generates scientific knowledge and contributes to the understanding of problems and empowerment of communities.
  • Train political scientists who can question, plan, implement, evaluate and analyze public policies, development plans, spatial planning, social and cultural programs that acknowledge the dynamics of the territories and favor the values towards social justice, respect, transparency, and equality.
  • Train political scientists with theoretical knowledge in political science and other disciplines that allows the analysis and implementation of strategies to transform socio-political conflicts of the region and the country.


The BA in Political Science main objective is to train comprehensive professionals in matters related to the government, the political system, power and deliberative democracy keeping in mind the relations with other disciplines such as economics, law, history, international relations, and political theory.

Oferta Académica