Logotipo Universidad Surcolombiana Escudo República de Colombia
Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus

BA Law

Name of the program: BA Law
Level of formation: Under-graduate
SNIES Code: 9395
Length: 10 semesters (5 years)
Credits: 159
Accreditation resolution: 13202 October 16, 2012
High-quality accreditation renewal resolution: 16733 August 24, 2017
Time: Day classes – Night classes in the campus of Neiva
Campus: Neiva and Pitalito (every year)


The BA in Law will train lawyers who have the capacity to produce and apply legal scientific knowledge based on comprehensive, human, and critical analysis. They will also have disciplinary and research competencies. They will contribute to the effective and efficient intervention of social problems, committed, primarily, the construction of a democratic, deliberative, participatory, and peaceful nation. They will also support the social and sustainable development of the southern region of Colombia; with actions will be guided by civic ethics and, multicultural dialogue. They will preserve and defend the environment according to the mission of the same university.


The BA in Law at the Universidad Surcolombiana should be the main producer of a trained lawyer who contributes to the construction of a democratic, deliberative, participatory, and peaceful Huila. They will support social and sustainable development in the southern region of Colombia. To this end, managers, teachers, students, and graduates must undertake research and disciplinary training, and make social projections with high quality.


  • Cultivate Law as science, discipline in itself, and as an art:
  • Understand and apply the law as it is written, using knowledge and critical thinking
  • technical application of legal processes
  • Interpreting the law as an unequivocal instrument for the construction of law and order.
  • Form Legal professionals with a comprehensive academic and ethical understanding of the Law. In combination with a broad theoretical and practical knowledge, will allows graduates to analyze and interpret socio-juridical phenomena. They will also be able to detect conflicts and intervene peacefully.
  • Articulate Colombian Law with different areas of knowledge in order to contribute to a participatory and pluralist democracy.
  • Contribute to the identification and intervention of social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental problems from a legal perspective with a broad social sense.
  • Provide students with autonomous learning spaces in order to give depth to different fields of knowledge, consequently allowing them to be trained as not only legal professionals but also allowing them to remain a well-rounded and informed citizen, with constitutional rights and duties.

Oferta Académica