Logotipo Universidad Surcolombiana Escudo República de Colombia
Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus

BA Spanish Teaching Program

Faculty of Education

The Spanish Teaching program was institutionalized via Agreement 027 of September 24, 1999. On September 11, 2001, ICFES granted the Program the code number 111443724004100111101, as its National Registry and the Ministry of Education granted High Quality accreditation, according to Resolution number 4001 of April 2012.


  • Train teachers of Castilian--or Spanish--language required by the education sector of the Surcolombiana region.
  • Offer postgraduate programs and courses of full-time education that encourage the implementation of scientific and humanizing educational innovations and alternatives in the educational centers of the region, and that strengthen the identity of the humanistic legacy of the educational communities of the region.
  • Assimilate and generate theories for the critical understanding of the discursive and communicative processes manifested in socio-economic, socio-political and socio-educational practices of academic incidence in the dynamics of the region, of Colombia, and of Latin America.
  • Contribute to the improvement of students’ reading and writing abilities, skills with Linguistic Communication Courses, and with pedagogical investigation processes in the new forms of reading and writing in higher education.

Oferta Académica