Logotipo Universidad Surcolombiana Escudo República de Colombia
Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus

English Language Teaching Program

Faculty of Education


The Bachelor’s in English program has as a mission the investigative, cultural, social and humanistic training of educators for the teaching of the English language in secondary education. Furthermore, the knowledge and management of advanced communication systems are an important feature of the program. Graduates will be conscious and competitive in the current globalized world, and at a national level with an international worldview. Graduates will have the capacity to propose solutions to educational problems, especially those related to the teaching learning of foreign languages.


By 2019, the English Language Teaching Program will continue to be socially and academically accredited and serve its purpose within the institutional framework. The faculty and staff will remain highly qualified and sufficient to meet the needs of training of professionals committed to the encouragement, dissemination, research and teaching of foreign languages. This way, the program will offer an answer to the various demands and contexts of education in the region, and the continuous improvement of the quality of education in the area of foreign languages at an international and national level.

Oferta Académica