Logotipo Universidad Surcolombiana Escudo República de Colombia
Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus

Business Administration

Accredited program: According to resolution 7177 of October 23 of 2008.
Qualified registry: Resolution Number 4185 of September 16 of 2005 by the Ministry of Education.
ICFES registry: 111443720014100111100
Credits: 154
Teaching Sessions: on campus
Campus: Neiva, Pitalito, La Plata, Garzon


The Business Administration program of Universidad Surcolombiana is oriented to train integral professionals that have the capacity to make decisions to create, sustain, and manage value in organizations. This process is carried out through research processes, organizational models, and entrepreneurship ecosystems, with high ethical content that contributes to the sustainable development of the region in a global context.


By the year 2027, it will have been transformed into the professional program of business management with in-depth management of organizations and recognized leadership in its students. Furthermore, in the training of integral and innovative professionals they have access to a double degree with other universities associated with the Program; committed to the permanent search for knowledge within a global context.


  • Forge in the business manager an interactive attitude in their territory, capable of developing projects and programs of association with the various actors and knowledge networks.
  • Develop skills in the business manager, to conceive and manage new organizational models that generate value with a holistic and critical sense of knowledge.
  • Promote in the business manager the capacity to diagnose and propose creative and innovative solutions in the productive sector, institutional and social organizations with a global vision.
  • Promote a sense of social responsibility in the business manager for the construction of a sustainable territory and citizen coexistence.

Professional Profile

The Business manager graduated from Universidad Surcolombiana is identified by its comprehensive training, with the ability to make decisions, to create, to sustain, and to manage value in organizations. All these aspects carried through research processes, organizational models and entrepreneurial ecosystems, with an ethical sense that contributes to the sustainable development of the region in a global context.

Type Of Roles

The manager graduated from Universidad Surcolombiana is in his capacity of development in an organizational world. Therefore, the graduate student would be able to implement different administrative and managerial occupations in order to contribute:

  • Create organizations.
  • Manage organizations.
  • Design process within the organizations.
  • Manage processes within the organizations.

Oferta Académica