Logotipo Universidad Surcolombiana Escudo República de Colombia
Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus

BSC Accounting

SNIES code:
Neiva: 340
Pitalito: 102661
La Plata: 102663
Garzon: 5534
Accreditation Resolution: No. 6029 June/01/2012
ICFES registry: 111446570834100111200

Neiva: Resolution No. 9865 August 22 / 2012 
Pitalito: Resolution No. 9088 July 17 / 2013
La Plata: Resolution No. 9090 July 17 / 2013   
Duration: 8 semesters
Teaching Sessionson campus
Courses: Day and Night

Campus: Neiva, La Plata, and Pitalito 
Credits: 159 


Guide and lead professionals’ human and critical integral formation based on knowledge about the accounting discipline. All this carried out through academic, social and politic processes.


By 2024, the BSc Accounting will strengthen the leadership in the professionals’ critical and integral formation processes nationally and regionally.

Professional Profile

The graduate student is a professional with ethical values, able to develop himself in accounting and financial tasks with a receptive attitude to the accountable science’s development.

Type of Roles

The graduate student can develop himself in the public and private area as Accounting, and Tax Advisor; Internal Auditor, Statutory Auditor, General Accountant, Chief Accountant, Cost Accountant, Chief or Financial Manager, President or Company Manager, Management Consultant, Advisor in the creation and organization of companies, Advisor in design and implementation of accounting systems and of Information and Computer Systems Administrator.

Oferta Académica