Logotipo Universidad Surcolombiana Escudo República de Colombia
Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus

Our Mission

The Universidad Surcolombiana provides leadership and guidance in the comprehensive, humanistic and critical training of professionals and researchers. Based on interdisciplinary knowledge, as well as multicultural, socio-political and academic processes, the University aims to create a participative democracy and a peaceful nation. Furthermore, it wishes to embrace social, humanistic and sustainable development in the southern region of Colombia. Their professional performance is based on civic and ethical education, multicultural dialogue, environmental awareness and complex thinking, so as to reach out for success in the national and international workfield.

Our Vision

By 2024, the Universidad Surcolombiana will have maintained its leadership in the comprehensive and critical training of professionals. It will also be at the vanguard with the generation of knowledge by promoting research and the training of researchers capable of putting into practice their professional background knowledge for purposes such as the making of a social and deliberative democracy. All this aims to provide solutions to the relevant issues of the region; embracing a national and international perspective that brings about social justice, environmental sustainability, solidarity and respect for human dignity.

Oferta Académica